1 What are the benefits to me and to the organization?
Automating the entry of personal information decreases the turnaround time on information updates, reduces the chance of misplaced documents and keying errors, and allows employees to receive accurate and timely T4s, Records of Employment, and verification of employment.
2 Why can’t I make changes to my personal information? Why is it locked?
When you select a menu item such as Name and Personal Data, the information opens in read-only mode. To make changes, you first need to click the EDIT button. This unlocks the fields and allows you to make changes. If you CONFIRM your changes, they are saved and submitted, and the page returns to read-only mode. If you CANCEL you changes, the page returns to read-only mode.
3 Why can’t I edit my birth date?
Date of birth cannot be updated through Gateway Online. Legislation requires that the employer see actual proof of this data and thus any changes must be provided directly to the HR/Payroll department within your organization.
4 What is a Preferred Name and where does it appear?
Your preferred name is the name that you usually go by. In the payroll system you should have your legal name as your first name; however, if that’s not the name that you usually go by, then you would want schedulers, payroll and/or your manager to call you by your preferred name.
5 How do I make changes to my Social Insurance Number (SIN)?
You cannot make changes to your SIN in Gateway Online. Talk to your HR or payroll representative to update you SIN.
6 Who receives the changes I make to my information on mygatewayonline?
Changes made to your Personal Information in Gateway Online are sent to pre-identified roles as per required. This may include your manager(s), schedulers, IT, payroll, HR and security.
7 I have multiple employee numbers. Are changes I make in mygatewayonline applied
to all my employee positions?
An employee who has multiple employee numbers will have one provincial username. When you enter your username and password, Gateway Online will present the option to choose which employer you want to access.
All information changes made in Gateway Online, with the exception of changes to banking information, will be changed across all your employee positions within the system.
Changes made to your banking information are applied only to the employee number you selected. This allows you the flexibility to manage your accounts separately.
Note: If you are employed by Regina Qu’Appelle or Saskatoon Health Region you will access the existing portals in place for these regions.
8 Why is it important to enter and update my personal phone numbers?
It is important for your employer to have access to accurate information. Personal phone numbers are used by those responsible for scheduling in your department. Incorrect phone numbers could make it impossible for you to be contacted about upcoming shifts.
9 If I change my phone numbers in mygatewayonline do I still need to contact my scheduler or managers?
No, the system will be automatically updated, and your scheduler and/or managers will receive an automatic notification after you enter your updated phone numbers.
10 Since I can enter an unlimited number of phone numbers will my scheduler or managers phone all my numbers when scheduling shifts?
No. The number of phone numbers called by schedulers and/or mangers for scheduling purposes varies by employer and by Collective Agreement. You should check with your scheduler/manager to determine your employer’s or Collective Agreement’s policy.
11 Why is it important to keep my address up-to-date?
The address entered into Gateway Online is the address used by the Payroll Department when mailing T4s at Income Tax time; plus, it is the address that will be used for any mail outs sent by your employer, pension plan and 3sHealth.
12 Why is it important to enter emergency contacts?
Emergency contacts will be used by your manager if they have to contact someone on your behalf. Having more than one contact ensures that if in an emergency situation your primary contact is unavailable, an alternate can be contacted for you.
13 Why is it important for me to complete the Self-Identification form?
The Saskatchewan health regions and Saskatchewan Cancer Agency are committed to maintaining a culturally diverse and representative workforce. Candidates are encouraged to self declare in writing that they are a member of a designated minority group.
14 How long after entering a phone number will my scheduler and/or managers start using the new number?
Updating phone numbers in the system may take up to the following business day.