Workflow Console (Tasks)
Workflow Console is an electronic notification system for both employees and employers. The console is stored within Gateway Online and provides details on requests/changes that have been submitted through the portal (i.e. name changes, leave requests, talent updates).
Workflow Notifications, also known as Tasks, can be provided in two ways.
The first is through the Workflow Console. If you click on the Tasks icon found on the left side of the landing page, the Workflow Console will open. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of tasks that are currently awaiting your acknowledgement and/or action.
The second way to be notified is through email. In order to receive an e-mail, you must have a Business E-mail address set up (Note: Business E-mails can be set up through the myINFO toolbox under Personal Contact Information).
Workflow notifications are dependent upon the role security that has been completed by the organization. Certain positions will be assigned to a security role and that role will have been pre-determined to receive specific workflow messages. For example, the position number(s) assigned to the role of Scheduling will receive employee phone number changes, and the position number(s) assigned to the Talent Approver role, will receive the workflow messages associated with employees updating their talent profile.
The change or request being submitted through Gateway Online will determine how the workflow notification/task needs to be handled. The task may require some action or an acknowledgment. For example, if a name change is submitted, the appropriate people within your organization will be notified and they will be expected to acknowledge the task. Where a leave request has been submitted (not available at this time), the Manager will be expected to action that request (i.e., Approve or Deny).