Workflow Console
Provides details on requests/changes that have been submitted through Gateway Online.
Visit Workflow Console to learn more>>
Need help understanding your pay statement or your banking information?
Visit myPAY to learn more>>
Need help with log in, password management and changing your personal verification questions?
to learn more>>
Visit myACCOUNT, myPAY and myINFO for documents and videos to guide you through Gateway Online.
Visit the Frequently Asked Questions to see answers to common questions.
Need additional help? Call eHealth Saskatchewan, 1-888-316-7446, Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Need help with updating your name, personal data, contact information, emergency contacts and self-identification?
Visit myINFO to learn more>>
Need help with creating a talent record? Talent records contain your career related qualifications.
Visit myTALENT to learn more>>
Need help searching for a job? Need help applying for a job?
Visit myJOBS to learn more>>
Frequently Asked Questions
1 How do I access Gateway Online?
2 Who do I contact if I have problems accessing Gateway Online?
3 What is eHealth Saskatchewan and what is their role in this initiative?
5 How is my being privacy protected?
6 Do I require a username and password?
7 What type of password do I need to set?
8 What if I forget my password?
10 Do I need a region/agency network account?
11 What are the required computer specifications?
12 What if I am co-employed and get pay statements from more than one employer?
13 If my employment is terminated, do I still have access to Gateway Online?
14 Why am I receiving a Root Certificate Error message when I try to log in to mygatewayonline?
15 I do not know how to use a computer. What do I do?
1 Why would I want to view my pay information online?
2 Why was my paper pay statement discontinued?
3 If I do not have a computer at home, how can I access my pay statement?
4 When can I access my current pay statement?
5 Can I access my pay statements during work hours?
6 Who do I contact if I have errors on my pay statement?
7 How will my pay statement display?
9 Why do some of the allowance names have a TX at the end?
11 How will I know what the new names of earnings, deductions and allowances mean?
12 Can I print my pay statement?
13 How do I print or save my pay statement?
14 How do I stop pop up blockers?
15 When will changes to my banking details be effective?
1 What are the benefits to me and to the organization?
2 Why can’t I make changes to my personal information? Why is it locked?
3 Why can’t I edit my birth date?
4 What is a Preferred Name and where does it appear?
5 How do I make changes to my Social Insurance Number (SIN)?
6 Who receives the changes I make to my information on mygatewayonline?
8 Why is it important to enter and update my personal phone numbers?
11 Why is it important to keep my address up-to-date?
12 Why is it important to enter emergency contacts?
13 Why is it important for me to complete the Self-Identification form?
1. What is the Talent Management tool?
2. What are the benefits of creating a Talent Record in myTALENT?
3. How will information I enter into myTALENT be used by my Employer?
4. When will electronic job postings be available on Gateway Online?
5. How does my Talent Record link to Job Postings?
7. Who gets to see my Talents?
8. How are Talents verified? Acknowledged, accepted, rejected.
9. How do I track my Talent submission to see if it has been accepted or rejected by my employer?
1. Why are job postings going electronic and why is this transition beneficial to me?
2. Where can I find job postings?
3. How do I apply for a job posting online?
4. How can I apply online if I do not have a computer at home?
5. How long will paper postings continue to be posted on the wall bulletin boards?
6. Will I be able to see all postings across the Province (Health Regions/ Organizations)?
7. When will my employer be launching myJOBS?
9. How will I be advised of the successful applicant?
10. How long will the electronic job postings be available on the GO Job Board?
11. How Does myTALENT and the Application Process work together?
13. Why can’t I see a closed posting?
14. What happens if I want to apply for a posting after the closing date?