Courses/Training – is made up of one or more classes in a particular subject from your employer and/or other institutions that support your ability to perform your job duties.
Note: In order to submit a course/training record, the completion date must be a date equal to or before the current date.
Select the Courses/Training link within the myTalent toolbox.
If no Courses/Training talents have been entered, the display will state ‘You currently do not have any courses/training listed.’ If Courses/Training talents are on file within Gateway Online, these will be displayed.
Select ADD to open up the Courses/Training Details form.
Complete the Courses/Training Details section.
Note: Gold asterisks (*) indicate that particular field is mandatory; it must be completed prior to the system allowing you to add that record.
Institution Name: Select the institution name.
Where the institution name is not within the drop down list, select OTHER and enter the applicable information.
Course Type: Select the course type.
Course/Program: Select the course/program.
Where the course/program is not within the drop down list, select OTHER and enter the applicable information.
Country: Select the country.
Start Date: Specify start date of the course/training.
This symbol opens up a calendar when it is clicked on.
This symbol deletes the information that has been placed in that field.
Completion Date: Specify completion date of the course/training.
This symbol opens up a calendar when it is clicked on.
This symbol deletes the information that has been placed in that field.
Expiry Date: Specify expiry date of the course/training.
This symbol opens up a calendar when it is clicked on.
This symbol deletes the information that has been placed in that field.
Additional Information: Enter any additional information you feel is required.
Should you have a document supporting this Course/Training talent, it can be uploaded into Gateway Online by selecting + NEW ATTACHMENT within the File Attachments section of this form. Choose the applicable file to be uploaded.
Once the required fields have been completed, select SUBMIT and your changes will be saved. You will then be re-directed to view your information in a read-only format.
Edit a Course/Training Talent
Select the Courses/Training link within the myTalent toolbox.
Existing Course/Training records will appear in a read only format (as per below).
To edit a Course/Training talent, select the EDIT button to the right of the talent.
The Course/Training form will open up displaying the current values for each of the fields. Amend the form as required.
Once you are satisfied with the amendments, select SUBMIT and your changes will be saved. You will then be re-directed to view your information in a read-only format.
Remove a Course/Training Talent
Note: Removal of a talent is a deletion of the record, not an expiration of the record.
Select the Courses/Training link within the myTalent toolbox.
Existing Course/Training records will appear in a read only format (as per below).
To remove a Course/Training talent, select the REMOVE button to the right of the talent.
A message will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of this Course/Training talent. If you select OK the record will be removed. If you select Cancel the record will remain as it was.
Workflow Console Tasks
Any Courses/Training talent changes/additions submitted through GO need to be approved by your employer. A Talent Approver role has been set up in your organization to receive notifications of these Courses/Training talents. Once you submit your Courses/Training talent, a workflow notification will be created. You can see and track this workflow notification in your Workflow Console, otherwise known as Tasks. The Tasks tab can be found on the left of your screen (see picture below).
Clicking on the Tasks icon, will open up a second window presenting three tabs - To Do List, In Progress, and Completed, where you can track your tasks.
When you submit an Courses/Training talent, a task will be created and displayed in your In Progress tab.
To view the details of the task, click the [view] button under the Details column.
The Talent Approver will either Approve or Reject the talent. If the talent is approved, you will see the task in your Completed tab as well as see the talent as approved in your myTALENT Toolbox Summary.
If the Talent Approver rejects the talent, you will see the task in your To Do List tab as ‘TALENT’-Rejection. You have two options:
1. Acknowledge the rejected talent by selecting the acknowledge button with the option to enter comments in the Task Actions section. Once acknowledged the task moves from your To Do List tab to your Completed tab with a status of Completed.
2. Edit the original Talent and resubmit it for approval. To edit the original talent, you can:
a. go into the myTALENT Toolbox and make amendments. Upon clicking submit, the original (rejected) workflow notification will move to the Completed tab for both you and your employer’s Talent Approver with the status of Cancelled, AND a new workflow for the edited talent will be created thus requiring a new approval/rejection from the Talent Approver; OR
b. within the Task Details section click on the hyperlink (Please click HERE to correct the entry and resubmit) which will take you directly to the myTALENT Toolbox Summary where amendments can be made. Upon clicking submit, the original (rejected) workflow notification will move to your Completed tab with the status of Cancelled, AND a new workflow for the edited talent will be created thus requiring a new approval/rejection from the Talent Approver.
Click here for more information about the Workflow Console Tasks.
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