1 How do I access Gateway Online?
Gateway Online can be accessed through the internet at https://mygatewayonline.com.
2 Who do I contact if I have problems accessing Gateway Online?
For assistance contact eHealth Saskatchewan at 1-888-316-7446, Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
3 What is eHealth Saskatchewan and what is their role in this initiative?
eHealth Saskatchewan is a provincial crown corporation that provides technical support for a number of health care applications/systems. For Gateway Online they provide support to employees who need help accessing the portal, and who have forgotten their password and need help using the self service password recovery.
4 Is this website secure?
Yes. All information in this system is protected with high level security, is kept confidential, and remains the property of your employer. Phone numbers are communicated to schedulers for scheduling purposes only and your home address(es) will only be shared with your manager or if a region/agency mail out is required. Personal information will never be released to any person or party unless directed by provincial or federal legislation or by a court order.
Keeping information private is your duty as well. It is your responsibility to:
• Protect your username and password.
• Regularly change your password when requested to do so every 90 days.
• Ensure that your workstation is not left unattended while you are logged in.
• Ensure that sensitive information being displayed on your workstation or printed is not visible to others.
• Remember to log out of Gateway Online and close the internet browser when finished.
5 How is my being privacy protected?
Gateway Online has been developed to automate the collection, maintenance and delivery of human resource information and processes. It is the automation of existing processes. Information is kept confidential and remains the property of your employer.
6 Do I require a username and password?
You will require a unique username and password to access the website. Your username and password will be provided by your employer upon hire. If you have not received a username and password, please contact your manager.
7 What type of password do I need to set?
You will be given an initial password and will be required to change it when you first log in to the system and every 90 days after that.
A valid password:
• must be at least 8 characters in length
• cannot be more than 32 characters in length
• Is a combination of alpha and numeric characters
• is case sensitive
• is a password that has not been used in 365 days
• does not contain your username
• contains characters from 3 of the following 4 categories:
• English uppercase characters
• English lowercase characters
• numbers (0 through 9)
• non-alphanumeric characters (!, $, #, %)
To safeguard against unauthorized usage, the system locks if it detects five minutes of inactivity. If this occurs, an employee is prompted to once again log in to the system prior to continuing their activities.
8 What if I forget my password?
The initial password is set for you. After you have entered the system using your preset password, you will be required to change your password and enter a set of personal questions and answers. If you forget your password, the system will ask you these questions and require you to enter the answers to verify your identity. To safeguard against unauthorized individuals trying to determine an individual’s username and password combination through repeated trial and error attempts, the system will lock after seven failed attempts. The only way to unlock the website is to contact eHealth Saskatchewan at 1-888-316-7446, Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
9 Can I change my username?
No, you will not have the ability to change your username. You only have the ability to change your password. In the event of a legal name change, you may request a username change by contacting your manager.
10 Do I need a region/agency network account?
Gateway Online will provide access to all employees through the internet from home, approved organization computers/kiosks, or anywhere with internet access (e.g., public library, internet cafes).
If accessing Gateway Online on a region/agency system (work computer or kiosk), you may need to sign into a region/agency network account prior to accessing Gateway Online. If you require a region/agency network account and are not sure what yours is, contact your manager.
If accessing Gateway Online from outside the workplace (e.g., home computer), you will not require a region/agency network account.
11 What are the required computer specifications?
The computer must have access to internet. A high speed internet connection is preferred; however, a modem (dial up) connection will work, but it will be slower to load. Modem connections less than 56kb are not recommended. The following internet browsers will work:
• Internet Explorer (IE) 7.0 and higher
• Mozilla Firefox 4.0 and higher
• Google Chrome
• Safari
12 What if I am co-employed and get pay statements from more than one employer?
An employee who is co-employed will have one provincial username. When you enter your username and password, Gateway Online will present the option to choose which employer you want to access. After choosing that employer by clicking on the employer name the next screen will present the welcome screen for the chosen employer.
Note: If you are employed by Regina Qu’Appelle or Saskatoon Health Region you will access the existing portals in place for these regions.
13 If my employment is terminated, do I still have access to Gateway Online?
Employees that are terminated will have access to view pay statements for one full taxation year following termination. As a terminated employee, you will have the same timeframe to view and update your name and mailing address through Gateway Online. All other information on Gateway Online will not be available for you to update.
14 Why am I receiving a Root Certificate Error message when I try to log in to mygatewayonline?
If you are receiving a Root Certificate Error message when logging into mygatewayonline, your computer is accessing the Gateway Online site with an outdated web browser that is missing the root certificate needed to access the site. To fix this, download and install the Root Certificate Authority update from the Microsoft Updates site. Visit http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/ and do a search for “root certificate update”. Install the most recent update (there is no fee for this download).
15 I do not know how to use a computer. What do I do?
You will have the opportunity to learn the new process through:
• Help from family, friends and co-workers.
• Contact your manager, HR or payroll representative for assistance.
• Help materials in the myHELP section of mygatewayonline and on your employer’s internal staff web site (where applicable).